

椅子 & 教授
Department of Justice Studies



Beginning with eight students in what 是 known as the “Police School” at what 是 then called San José State College, Justice Studies has a long and storied history at 圣何塞州立大学. While it has changed its name several times, 这个部门 is the first degree-granting program for criminal justice in the United States. 这 year, two things about Justice Studies are fresh and new. 这个部门已经搬走了 from the College of 健康与人文科学 to the 社会科学学院. 和 Justice Studies has a new chair — 教授 保罗Knepper. 部门来了 a long way since the 1930s, when courses offered included “Police Hygiene” and “Police 打字.” In 1946, a penology major 是 added for students interested in pursuing careers 在缓刑或假释期间. In 1964, 这个部门’s name 是 changed to the Law Enforcement and 政府 Department. In 1970 it became the 政府 of Justice Department and shifted from strictly training students for law enforcement careers to more of an academic focus on the philosophy of justice and critical analysis of the justice 系统. Demonstration of typing skills 是 no longer required, but writing competence 是. Today, 这个部门 is large, with 1,200 students and 20 full-time faculty 成员. It offers two undergraduate programs with four concentrations and two master’s 度. Many universities have either a department of criminal justice (the study of institutions) or criminology (the study of crime and criminal behavior).

“Justice Studies is even bigger,” Knepper says. “Justice Studies includes not only institutions and human behavior, but concepts of social justice, legal studies and 法医科学. It’s a multi-disciplinary department where we bring contributions, methodologies, theories from different disciplines.” Knepper is a good example of the breadth of Justice Studies’ reach. He received his bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Wisconsin — Green Bay, his master’s in criminal justice from the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee and his Ph.D. in justice studies from Arizona 州立大学. His first job 是 teaching in a department of political science, then a school of social work and then a department of sociology.

He comes to the 社会科学学院 after 12 years at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, where he 是 professor of criminology in the School of Law. Since 2013, he has been visiting professor of criminology at the School of Criminal 科学s, University of Lausanne,Switzerland, where he is using archives from the United Nations to study historical transnational approaches to investigating human 贩卖人口和恐怖主义. “Now I’m back in Justice Studies, my natural home,” says Knepper. “这是 very exciting for me to be part of what I started doing originally.”

Knepper’s goals for 这个部门 include furthering the B.S. 和M.S. 学位课程 and pursuing the development of a professional doctorate in the college or a Ph.D. in conjunction with the University of California.

这 summer, 这个部门 faculty wrote and posted a statement on 这个部门’s website that acknowledged 系统ic racism and condemned police violence. 在系里 of Justice Studies,” it said, “we are committed to examining our curriculum, resources, and 实践 to become even more aligned with social justice values and anti-racist 实践.” Current events — such as the nationwide debate about policing and race — are important to 这个部门 and the faculty, Knepper says. “在我们部门内部, faculty have different expertise, different experiences and different views about 需要做什么. I like to think we can demonstrate how to move forward on these different issues even when we disagree.” After meeting the faculty and learning about their backgrounds and their interests, Knepper 是 thrilled to be invited to join 这个部门. “这是 truly a privilege for me to be at 菠菜网lol正规平台,”Knepper says. “这是 a very exciting environment to be a part of.”