
新建的 快速教育原型(REP4)联盟 is a powerful network of regional and national education, industry, and technology leaders, led by the six founding higher education partners, including the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie 教育学院. This alliance will create opportunities to bring together diverse learners to codesign new ideas for education using liberatory design principles.

In Summer 2021, we launched this network with a free Learner Design Summit, which is a leadership development opportunity designed to bring together rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students, recent high school graduates, community college students, and 菠菜网lol正规平台 undergraduate students to collaborate and design creative proposals to address existing challenges in the higher education system.


Watch the video above to learn more about the proposals from our student design leaders, who met 一个 another for the first time, came up with and refined their proposals, and presented them to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 President and senior administration within 4 days.

  • 0:00 - Welcome from 菠菜网lol正规平台 卢里教育学院 Dean Heather Lattimer and intro from 教育al Leadership faculty Veneice Guillory-Lacy
  • 5:20 - "CC: The Dream (Creating and Continuing the Dream)" by College 2.0
  • 11:28 - "创建连接" by Creative 连接s
  • 18:33 - "How Integrating 社区 and Technology Can Help Students" by Three Trees
  • 24:25 -公平大使“提升承诺
  • 37:26 ——希瑟·拉蒂默院长的回应
  • 38:38 ——上海州立大学校长玛丽·帕帕齐安的讲话
  • 43:43 -希瑟·拉蒂默院长致闭幕词

“I really, really enjoyed this experience of meeting and connecting with great people. Everybody shared what problems they had faced, and that really opened up my mind to 看看我们能做什么,需要改变什么.——JC Jacinto,学习者设计峰会 参与者

Read the full story on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Newsroom blog
